Founder Claudia Ospina is a renowned Colombian journalist with 22 years experience in television who completely changed her career in New York to return to her roots. She wanted to return to field work. Going to the Colombian mountains that brought her back to life in a search for "herself". It was clear that she did not want to stop telling stories, much less stop working with and for the community. She wanted to free herself from the daily pressure of deadlines allowing her to see her children and spend quality time with her family. Then she found what she already had, but had stopped seeing. Her great passion was in her hands, every day it transmitted cold or warmth, and with its smell it took her to hidden memories while it calmed and embraced her in many lonely afternoons on the streets of New York.... She discovered, that the coffee that she drank every day, that has given her energy, that changes her moods, with whom she has celebrated and cried, the most loyal of her unfailing friends and always ready to serve when it comes to elevating her spirits, that friend that would allow her to integrate her three passions: Connecting, storytelling and helping. Now she brings to life the coffee beans of her land to present them in the Big Apple. Not only to educate, but to connect so they can tell a story, the story of Libre, of having free time to be with you, with your coffee and with your loved ones! To know you, to disconnect, that is the reason for the Libre Coffee Experience! Here you are welcomed to the tribe of those who seek to be present and what better way than to do it with your coffee!Let the coffee set you free!

Watch our experiences

Luxuny Atelier

There are not limits.. The best coffee out there ...

GREAT MOUTH FEEL ** Testimonial

Connect with yourself ... With your Libre Coffee!